Indications and contraindications for gastric bandaging
Adjustable bandaging is recommended for young patients up to 35-40 years old with a up to 40-45 kg / m2 body mass index. The surgery is not effective with greater weight - patients will not be able to change the diet, which will lead to the development of complications.
The bandage setting is contraindicated in case of an ulcer in the exacerbation stage, acute conditions and infectious diseases, severe mental disorders.
Preparation for surgery and bandage installing method
Preparation takes a minimum of time and consists of a simple routine examination. You can undergo an ECG and a complex of laboratory tests - you can take a biochemical, clinical analysis of blood and urine - in our inpatient facility in one day.
During the operation:
A bandage is applied to the upper part of the stomach - a controlled ring with an inflated inner surface.
In the left hypochondrium, a small port is installed deep under the skin and is connected to the bandage.
The bandage is regulated through the port by a given amount of saline with a simple injection through the skin.
The installation does not cause discomfort to the patient. The bandage is made of medical silicone, safe and put for life. If necessary, it can be removed, and the banding is converted to another operation.
The patient is in the hospital under the supervision no more than for 2-3 days. There are various accommodation options - in a single, double or triple patient room with all the conveniences, which allow you to choose the best option.
The gastric banding results
Regulative banding has been a widespread operation since the early 2000s. Today, other methods have been implemented in order to replace it, and it is performed selectively.
One of the reasons is the development of “remote” complications in a few months or years: bandage slipping, the esophagus expansion and erosion. In practice, these complications occur up to 25%.
Successful bandage installation helps not only to adjust the weight, but also to control the situation. The bandage diameter is regulated by the amount of the solution introduced through the port in order to enhance or weaken the effect.
An illustrative example is the patient who has been wearing a bandage since 2004. Before the operation, she weighed 90 kg with height of 170 cm, now she has an ideal body weight. For all the time, only one adjustment was made, which helped to maintain a good effect.